Animosity reminds us so much of her Granddam 2001 ADGA
National Champion & 2002 ADGA Reserve National Champion,
Aubree that we have to take a 2nd look sometimes - sort of like
a "flashback" when you see her standing in the pen. A
strong, steady milker, Animosity has a beautiful mammary system,
very capacious & well attached with a strong medial & correct
teats & teat placement. On her November test she was still
milking 7.5 lbs of high quality high butterfat milk. She's
got a beautiful head & ears, is smoothly blended throughout and
quite deep bodied as well. Animosity did extremely well at
the shows in 2010 winning her class at the CA State Fair with
1st udder and placing 2nd with 1st udder at the Sonoma County
Fair. At the last show of the year she won her class and
earned GCH in both rings, finishing the year in style.
Her planned breeding to Time should produce structurally
correct, strong boned, HUGE babies! We can't wait!