Criminal 5 months(Candid Pic at 1 Year Old, unclipped)  


Sire: GCH ++B One Oak Hill Medicine Tumult EX92
     SS: ++*B Winterwood's The Medicine Man
     SD: GCH One Oak Hill Harlequin Tullia

Dam: GCH Kastdemur's Wicked 6*M EX92
     DS: SG +*B Kastdemur's Wai'Ale'Ale
     DD:  GCH Kastdemur's Ms Behavin' 5*M

ADGA Genetics Link
Born: March 17, 2017
Color: Chamoise
Alpha S1 Casein:  A/F
DNA Typed

To say I was excited when this buck was born was an understatement!  His dam Wicked has been slow to mature, but has always been one of my favorites.  She's so correct and has a great will to milk, so I knew I would want to keep a buck out of her.  This guy came out looking great from the start (and so did his 3 siblings!).  We're excited to bring Tumult back up into the pedigrees again with this handsome guy.

Criminal is a super correct buck, excelling in dairy strengh with lots of bone.  He is strong on his feet and legs, very uphill, level, and has a beautiful wide flat rump.  And to top it off he has one of the best personalities!  His first kids were large, growthy and correct indivuduals with his same strength of bone.  The only daughter he gave us is Kastdemur's Cheer Up who earned her dry leg her only time shown this year!

Criminal will be out on lease for the fall of 2018 and 2019.  We look forward to using him again in the future!

Semen Available:  5/$200

 vercelli best
Daughter:  Kastdemur's Vercelli - 1st Place Senior Kid 2019 ADGA Nationals
wicked 5 june natch(Dam - GCH Kastdemur's Wicked 6*M EX92) evian 4(Paternal Sister: SGCH Kastdemur's Evian 2*M EX94)


Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
Santa Rosa, California
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