2016 ALC Reserve All American 2 Year Old (Tie)
2017 ALBA All American 3 Year Old
2018 ALBA Reserve All American 4 Year Old
2019 ALBA Reserve All American 5 & Over
2020 ALBA Reserve All American 5 & Over

bora 5 july
(Pictured as a 6 Year Old/5th Freshener)
bora rear 3 may

Sire: SGCH ++*B Kastdemur's SA Stingray
     SS: SG ++*B Kastdemur's Sting
     SD: SGCH Kastdemur's Avena 3*M EX92 2012 ADGA National Champion

Dam: GCH Kastdemur's Survivor Tocantin 4*M EX92
     DS: SGCH +*B Kastdemur's Landslide EX92
     DD:  GCH Kastdemur's Survivor Vanuatu 3*M EX93

ADGA Genetics Link
Born: March 4, 2014
Color: Black, some white on legs
Alpa S1 Casein:  A/A
DNA Typed

          2-05 VG 88 VVVE
          4-03 EX 90 EVVE 
          5-06 EX 91 VEEE
          7-06 EX 91 VEEE

          1-11 305 1860 74 60
          3-00 287 2080 77 70
          3-11 295 2570 104 85
          5-00 279 2350 75 79 
          5-11 267 2356 86 82
          6-11 287 2298 97 85


2015 Record - 1x 1st, 1x 2nd, 2x 3rd, 1x JrGCH, 1x BJDIS
2015 Sonoma County Fair - 1st Place Dry Yearling

2016 CA State Fair - 2nd Place 2 Year Old
2016 Sonoma County Fair - 3rd/3rd udder -year-old

2017 Record - 4x1st, 1x3rd, 2xGCH, 1xRCH
2017 CA State Fair - 1st/1st udder 3 Year Old

2018 ADGA National 2nd/2nd udder 4 Year Old

2019 ADGA National 3rd/3rd Udder 5-6 Year Old
2019 Sonoma County Fair 2nd/2nd Udder 5-6 Year Old

Bora is yet another special baby! I had been waiting for a Toca doe kid to retain for years and she's finally here and I could not be more pleased. She looks exactly like her mother at the same age with improved breed character about the head. Bora was a tall gangly kid that is really starting to develop into a beautiful dry yearling. She is slower to mature like her dam, but has everything we're looking for. I cannot wait to see this doe fresh next year...she looks like she's going to live up to this strong family's reputation! Bora also easily earned her dry leg at the first show of the year with a Best In Show win! We had been looking forward to taking Bora to the National with us last summer, but she injured her leg the day before we left. We didn't want to risk her having permanent damage with the trip, so she unfortunately had to sit out the National at home. But she has since made a full recovery and is maturing into a lovely 2-year-old.

Bora freshened with a lovely mammary as a 2-year-old. It's well attached and fits snuggly up into her escutcheon. The medial is well defined and she has beautiful teat size, shape, and placement. Bora is very strong in her general appearance with a strong front end, lovely topline and good feet and legs. She does lack in body, giving her that immature appearance, but as the year has gone on she is continuing to develop more and more. She may be slow to mature, but she will be more than worth the wait once she gets there!

Bora continues to grow and mature into her frame.  She is an extremely tall doe and very dairy.  She is a special member of the herd, and we now have 2 equally lovely daughters in the herd to retain!  Bora is also one of the most Steady and consistent does in the herd.  As an aged doe this year she probably has looked her best ever, we just didn't have many shows to attend so she stayed home.  Bora will be 8 years old in 2022, but she is as youthful as ever...we hope for many more years with her!

Bred to:  Autumn-Acres Titanium     Due:  March 1, 2022

        Kastdemur's Bombay 6*M
        Kastdemur's Brisbane

  bora 7
(Pictured as a 7 Year Old/6th Freshener)
bora 6 july2
(Pictured as a 6 Year Old/5th Freshener)
bora 5 july
(Pictured as a 5 Year Old/4th Freshener)
bora 4
(Pictured as a 4 Year Old) 
bora 3 july
(Pictured as a 3 Year Old) 
bora 3 may
(Pictured as a 3-year-old)
Kastdemur's Bora Bora 5*M
(Pictured as a 2-year-old)
bora 1yr 06 15 375h
(Pictured as a dry Yearling)
Kastdemur's Bora Bora 5*M
(Pictured as a Kid)


Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
Santa Rosa, California

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