Kryptonite 5 months
(Kryptonite Pictured at 5 Months Old)

Sire: *B High-Tor Dharma's Initiative
     SS: *B High-Tor Emery
     SD: SGCH High-Tor Dharma EX91

Dam: GCH Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Karaoke EX91
     DS: Mint*Leaf Disaronno
     DD:  GCH Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Kala

ADGA Genetics Link
Born: February 4, 2017
Color: Black/White Belt
Alpha S1 Casein:  A/A
DNA Typed

When looking for an outcross buck, Karaoke caught my eye.  She is very stylish and has lovely general appearance, being uphill and level with strong feet and legs. She also has a beautiful, capacious mammary system.  I have also greatly admired her dam Kala for many years.  So getting a Karaoke buck seemed fitting!

Kryptonite is a large, growthy, correct buckling with strong feet and legs.  He is also extremely uphill and stylish with a long level topline and rump, and a long neck...just how we like them!  We are excited to use him this fall and see how he works for us.

Kryptonite's first kids have been very stylish, uphill and correct on their feet and legs.  They have beautiful shoulder assemblies, and wide arched escutcheons with perfect teat placement.  His daughter in our herd, Kastdemur's KO Safari, was Jr Champion her first time shown this fall.  Safari's littermate sister was Jr Champion earlier this spring for her new owner!

Semen Available: 5/$200

Kryptonite will be out on lease for the Fall of 2019

   safari 1 june
(Daughter - Kastdemur's KO Safari 1-05 VG 88 VE+V)
(Dam - GCH Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Karaoke EX91)
SGCH High-Tor Dharma
(Paternal Granddam: SGCH High-Tor Dharma EX91)


Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
Santa Rosa, California
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