2018 ADGA National Champion & Best Udder
2018 ALBA All American 5 & Over
2018 ALBA Supreme All American
2019 ADGA National Best Udder
2019 ALBA All American 5 & Over
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Sire: SG +*B Kastdemur's Wai'Ale'Ale
SS: SGCH ++*B Kastdemur's Landslide EX92
SD: SGCH Kastdemur's Avena 3*M EX92
Dam: GCH Kastdemur's Ms Behavin' 5*M
DS: +*B Kastdemur's Eye of the Tiger
DD: GCH Kastdemur's Behave Yourself 4*M EX91
ADGA Genetics Link
Born: March 30, 2013
Color: Chocolate
Alpha S1 Casein: A/F
DNA Typed
2-05 EX 90 EEVE
3-04 EX 91 EVEE
5-02 EX 92 EEEE
6-05 EX 92 EEEE
1-01 286 1940 67 62
2-00 294 2150 78 67
3-00 242 1890 67 57
3-11 293 2666 77 83
5-00 305 2830 84 90
6-01 267 2275 71 71
7-00 262 2045 64 63
7-11 305 2354 80 76
9-00 228 1226 41 37
9-11 209 1106 40 38 (in progress)
2015 Show Record 2x1st, 3x2nd, 2x3rd, 2xGCH, 1xResGCH, 1xBDIS
2015 Sonoma County Fair 6th Place 2-year-old
2016 Show Record 1x1st, 1x2nd, 1xRCH, 1xGCH
2016 CA State Fair 5th Place 3-year-old
2016 Sonoma County Fair 4th Place 3 year old
2017 Record - 2xBOB
2017 CA State Fair - 3rd Place 4 Year Old
2017 Washington State Fair - 2nd Place 4 Year Old
2018 ADGA National 1st/1st udder 5-6 Year Old
2018 ADGA National LaMancha Total Performer
2019 ADGA National 2nd/1st Udder 5-6 Year Old
2019 Sonoma County Fair 1st/1st Udder 5-6 Year Old
Wicked is probably the most overlooked doe in the herd. Likely because she gets overshadowed by her two classmates Avita and Vera. But Wicked is an extremely solid doe in all aspects! She is an extremely correct doe in general appearance standing on strong feet and legs, and a beautiful correct front end. She is also a strong doe in the parlor, holding her milk well into late lactation. She's always been a somewhat quiet unassuming doe, but she somehow learned how to be tough in the last year...and now demands her own pen at any shows we go to...and she sure does ham it up for all the fair goers by curling her lip up every time anyone scratches her neck! We sure do love this girl!
Oh Wicked, Wicked! She has been an over-achiever these past couple years. After several years of single kids, she freshened with quads as a 4 year old and this year as a 5 year old. She has always been a strong doe for the herd, but never the best in her class. But this year she has matured and deepend, which is just what she has needed. She's a goat that needs the right handler in the ring (it can't be just anyone!)...it gives her the confidence and show ring presence. This year at Nationals she loved every minute of being in the ring...and she let everyone know by curling her lip up! She has matured more and more every year, and just gets better and better! Just the way we like them.
Wicked has had 14 kids in the last 4 years...can you say overachiever?!?! She takes everything in stride! She is likely retired from the show string as she has more than proven herself, but will get to stay home and make us more babies for hopefully many years to come!
My heart goat....Wicked has wormed her way into my heart over the years. She demands head and face rubs and hugs before she leaves the milk room each day. As a coming 9 year old, she is still as young and spry as ever and still the queen of the barn. No one will dare to mess with her! She will be bred for 2022 kids, but beyond that will be dependent on many factors due to her age.
Bred to:
Kastdemur's Tigress 7*M
Kastdemur's J'Adore
Kastdemur's Improv
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