2020 ALBA All American Jr Buck 

vicco 1 august
(Pictured at 4.5 Months Old)


Sire: *B Vineyard View Mango Con Tajin
     SS: SG +*B Kastdemur's Kauai
     SD: SGCH Vineyard View Dasani Mango EX92

Dam: SGCH Kastdemur's Vera Wang 6*M 2018 Jr National CH
     DS: SG +*B Rockin-CB KR Hoku
     DD:  GCH Kastdemur's Veracruz 5*M EX92

ADGA Genetics Link
Born: April 20, 2020
Color: White
Alpha S1 Casein:  A/F
DNA Typed/Parentage Verified
ELITE Sire 2023

This buck came out exactly as I had envisioned!  He is big, long, tall, level, and white!  He also excels in his dairiness with his flat bone, open ribbing, and strength of bone.   He has a beautiful wide, flat rump and the same beautiful head that his dam has.  He is just an overall very correct, angular, dairy buck and we could not be more excited to retain him and use him this fall!

His pedigree is jam packed with numerous strong individuals, and not to mention his very dominant damline.  To start...his dam, Vera Wang, is a 6th generation National Show Class winner.  She has been undefeated when shown as a milker and received the highest score possible on appraisal as a first freshener, 89 EEEE.  Her dam, Veracruz, was one of our top show does for many years  Vera had an incredible dairy frame, and impressive rear udder!  On the sires side you will find just as many top show winners.   His paternal granddam, Mango EX92, had many high placing wins, and was a hard working, very correct doe.  Tajin's full sister, Lychee, was the 1st Place 2 year old at the 2018 ADGA Nationals.  And Tajin's sire, Kauai, has sired many beautifull uddered daughters!

Louis Vuitton's maternal sister, Vanity, has already freshened beautifully for us.  You can visit her page here.

The first Louis' kids have been large, framey kids.  They are very dairy, open and angular, with good bone.  We are pleased!  There are a couple pictured on our Junior Doe page, one of which (Purple Tang) will be bred to freshen as a yearling milker.  Tang is a large, growthy kid, with good strength of bone, with an exceptionally wide rear end and beautiful eschtcheon and teat placement! 

Fall 2021 - we unfortunately lost Louis this fall...a huge loss for our breeding program.  Semen will no longer be available from him as we will keep it for our own use.  We will leave him as a reference as we continue to use him AI.


tang 1 julyDaughter - Kastdemur's Purple Tang - 2 Year Old jadore 1 julyDaughter - Kastdemur's J'Adore - 2 Year Old
vw appraisal 2
Dam - SGCH Kastdemur's Vera Wang 6*M VG 89 EEEE (FF)
vera 4 september
 Maternal Granddam - GCH Kastdemur's Veracruz 5*M EX92 EEEE
 Venezuela 2July
Maternal Great Granddam - GCH Kastdemur's Venezuela 4*M VG 89 EEEE (FF)
 lychee ringshot
Sire's Littermate Sister:  SGCH Vineyard View Kauai Lychee 10*M EX 92 EEEE
vanity 1 may light
Maternal Sister - Kastdemur's Vanity-Fair 7*M EX 91 VEEE
Paternal Granddam - SGCH  Vineyard View Dasani Mango EX92 EEEE


Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
Santa Rosa, California

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