2019 ALBA Reserve All American Intermediate Kid

safari 1 june
(Pictured as a Yearling Milker)
safari rear 1 june 

Sire: *B Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Kryptonite
     SS:  High-Tor Dharma's Initiative EX90
     SD:  GCH Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Karaoke EX91

Dam: SGCH Kastdemur's Vienna 5*M EX90
     DS: SGCH ++*B Kastdemur's SA Stingray EX90
     DD: GCH Kastdemur's Ventura 4*M

ADGA Genetics Link
Born: March 2, 2019
Color: Chocolate Sungau, Large White Belt
DNA Typed/Parentage Verified


        1-00 149 1407 46 42 (In Progress)


2019 Show Record - 1x1st, 1x2nd, 1xJR CH, 1xBJDIS


Vice Versa was a fancy kid, and freshened this spring with a beautifully shaped and extremely productive mammary.  She is milking her heart out!  She had a high test of nearly 12 lbs a day and it has taken a bit for her body to catch up to the size of her udder.  Vice Versa reminds me a ton of our Wicked as a yearling....all udder and no body!  She is a really tall yearling, so sharp and dairy.  She has all the right parts, so we are totally happy to be patient an wait for everything to fill out!

We had full intentions of taking a new pic of Vice Versa this fall since she has grown so much and filled into her frame, but she decided to injure her leg fighting.  While she is improving, she is a bit of a "gimp" and it has affected her production.  Hoping for a full recovery so she can reach her full potential!


vice versa 1 july
(Pictured as a Yearling Milker)
vice versa 5m
(Picutred as an Intermediate Kid)


Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
Santa Rosa, California

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